ADHD/Emotion Regulation Difficulties

What This Might Look Like For Your Child/Adolescent:

“My child will not do the things I ask! I find myself asking multiple times, getting frustrated, and yelling.  How can I help her do the things she needs to do to make our home run smoothly?”

“My kid’s backpack is a mess. There are papers shoved everywhere and their locker is downright scary. They constantly lose things. We could use some help creating organization systems.”

“I don’t know how to help my adolescent manage his ADHD symptoms.  It has created a power struggle and drained our relationship.  How can we feel close again?”

“I want to build a closer relationship with my child but just don’t know how.  My parents didn’t model this stuff for me and I need some help.”

“My kid has BIG feelings.  How can I help him learn to recognize and manage emotions without accepting behavior that feels out of control?”

How I Approach Treatment

Evidence-Based Interventions Involving the Following:

Emotion Regulation

Learning to identify and manage strong emotions in a healthy way.

Behavioral Interventions

Altering your child/adolescent’s environment to set them up for success based on how their brain functions due to ADHD.

ADHD Skills Coaching

Coaching to build skills such as organization, decision making, planning, and management of information.

I have expertise treating ADHD (Inattentive Presentation, Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation, and Combined Presentation), Emotion Regulation Difficulties (outbursts), and Behavioral Difficulties (difficulty following instructions) using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Behavioral Interventions (parent coaching to change the environment and shape child behavior with rewards/consequences).

Parents are an integral part of the treatment process (Read more here).

Dr. Rance is one of the most respectful and kind doctors that I have come across. She shows she cares for each of her clients and takes the time to figure out the best plan for them. She’s really about supporting not only the client but the family as well.
— Parent of Prior Client